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Strzelecki Competition:



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8 maja 2019
Dzień Matki w Ashfield niedziela 12 maja 2019
Ryszard Borysiewicz

Restauracja 100 LAT w Klubie Polskim w Ashfield zaprasza na specjalny obiad i kolecję z okazji Dnia Matki w niedzielę 12 maja od godziny 12 w południe.

Mother's Day at Ashfield Polish Club, Sunday 12 May. Book a table for lunch or dinner at 100 LAT Restaurant. Set menu only.

2 courses $36
3 courses $42
Bookings essential ph. 9798 9846

29 kwietnia 2019
Cold War screening in Canberra
Wednesday 15th of May 2019

As part of National Day celebrations, the Embassy of Poland, in co-operation with the ANU Film Group, cordially invites you to a special screening of the Oscar-nominated Polish film “Cold War”, which will take place on Wednesday, 15 May at 7:30 pm at the Cultural Centre, Kambri Precinct, ANU. Please RSVP to by.....  [Więcej]


22 kwietnia 2019
Pulaski controversy: What we know and why it matters
research on the skeletal remains - inconclusive
The AEHHS, a New Jersey historical society, assesses the recently released documentary by the Smithsonian Institution as a work that raises questions which it does not answer. While technically well produced with a good eye for history, the 50-minute film (and associated published material through Smithsonian Magazine) seem very premature in terms.....  [Więcej]


16 kwietnia 2019
Tribute to Strzelecki by Cliff Wedgebury
The Comfort of Strangers - an Irish ballad

Listen to the Ballad The Comfort of Strangers - here on You Tube

Zapraszamy do wysłuchania ballady autorstwa irlandzkiego poety, kompozytora i piosenkarza Cliff'a Wedgebury, w której składa on hołd wielkiemu filantropowi P.E. Strzeleckiemu. Znany podróżnik i naukowiec, odkrywca Góry Kościuszki, po powrocie z Australii do Londynu usłyszał o tragedia.....  [Więcej]


5 kwietnia 2019
Czy generał Pułaski był kobietą?
cała prawda po 150 latach

Światowa sensacja! Własnie zakończono w USA serię badań mających na celu wyjaśnić, czy szczątki spoczywające pod pomnikiem Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Savannah, to istotnie jego szczątki, czy też zwłoki jego wrzucono do morza. W Polsce dokonano exhumacji wnuczki brata Kazimierza, aby pobrać DNA i przeprowadzić stosowne badania w USA. Okazało sie, że .....  [Więcej]


27 marca 2019
"Prosecutors lied over the Polish presidential plane crash"
Traces of explosive materials

Prosecutors lied as part of a scheme to prevent the public from being aware that traces of explosives were found on the wreckage of a Polish presidential plane that crashed in Russia in 2010, an investigative journalist has alleged. The claim by Cezary Gmyz, who is a Berlin correspondent for Polish state broadcaster TVP, follows a report that a Bri.....  [Więcej]


27 marca 2019
Pell case coverage: Journalists face prison terms
various media
MELBOURNE, Australia—More than 20 Australian journalists, including editors of major newspapers, face possible prison terms and fines for allegedly breaching a judicial order suppressing coverage of a top Vatican official’s conviction for child sex abuse.

Reprint forbidden.Source

Associated Press: Australian reporters charged o.....  [Więcej]


22 marca 2019
Mirri & Murrah - Cheryl Davison's art work
Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. Foto Puls Polonii

Cheryl w Krakowie "Kasza Nasza"
What a website! Mirri & Murrah czyli w mitycznej krainie znanej malarki Cheryl Davison Na początku lutego br. obwoziliśmy krewnych z Polski po ezgotycznej Australii. Oczywiście, zabralismy ich na Górę Kosciuszki, a potem na South Coast, gdzie mieszkają nasi aborygeńscy przyjaciele. Wszystkie nasze spotkania z Ngar.....  [Więcej]


21 marca 2019
About the Trial of Cardinal George Pell
Raymond Arroyo - World Over
Dyskusja na temat procesu sądowego i wyroku na kardynała Pella. You Tube. 19 min.

Obejrzyj i poslij linka dalej w świat:

17 marca 2019
Masakra w Christchurch
Relacja na temat masakry


13 marca 2019
Cardinal George Pell's sentencing in full
Video. Cardinal Pell's sentencing in full, ABC News. Dur. 68 mins.

Video. 9 NEWS. Dur 7'30

13 marca 2019
Co pisał Thomas Keneally o Pellu kilka lat temu
Australian Women's Weekly May 2015

Od Redakcji. Przypadkiem natknęłam się na artykuł znanego pisarza australijskiego Thomasa Keneally z maja 2015 r. pod tytułem Is George Pell an enemy of the church? Tenże pisarz jest autorem przedmowy do DRUGIEGO WYDANIA kontrowersyjnej książki Luizy Milligan "The Rise and Fall of George Pell" (Wzlot i Upadek George'a Pella). Oto pierwszy akapit .....  [Więcej]


13 marca 2019
About Pell sentencing
Catholic News Agency & Fronda
Melbourne, Australia, Mar 12, 2019. Cardinal George Pell was sentenced Wednesday to six years imprisonment, after being convicted in December of sexual abuse of two choirboys in 1996. He will be eligible for parole after serving three years and eight months of his sentence. Chief Judge Peter Kidd handed down the sentence March 13 from the Victori.....  [Więcej]


12 marca 2019
Przemielony nakład gazety
atak przeciwko obrońcom Pella

Redakcja magazynu Quadrant zdobyła zapis artykułu z Catholic Standard, z powodu którego cały nakład gazety został wycofany z rynku - przemielony. The Hobart’s Catholic Standard was being to delivered to parishes across the diocese when an extraordinary order was given to withdraw and pulp the edition. The reason was a short column by Professo.....  [Więcej]


12 marca 2019
Cardinal Pell sentenced to 6 years

Sędzia Peter Kidd
Cardinal George Pell has been sentenced to six years' jail for sexually abusing two choirboys when he was Catholic archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s. Pell was found guilty by a jury last December of sexually abusing the choirboys after a Sunday mass in December 1996 and then assaulting one of them a second time two months later......  [Więcej]


12 marca 2019
Pell sentenced to 6 years in jail
A. Odysseus Patrick

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA — Cardinal George Pell was sentenced to six years in prison by an Australian judge for sexually assaulting two boys in the 1990s, making him the most senior Catholic official to be imprisoned in the worldwide wave of abuse that blighted the church for the past several decades.Dressed in an open black shirt, grey jacket an.....  [Więcej]


12 marca 2019
Syrenka zaprasza na Trivia Night
23 marca w Klubie Polskim w Ashfield
Syrenka Trivia Night sobota 23 marca godz. 19:00, many prizes to be won. Funds raised towards getting Syrenka to Rzeszów Festival in Poland. Saturday March 23rd, from 7 pm to 10 pm. Tickets $20 per head, tables of 6-8 people, group bookings preferred, contact Natalia on 0408 142 632.
12 marca 2019
Wojtek - the bear that went to war
projekcja filmu w Klubie Polskim w Ashfield

W niedzielę 17 marca o godz. 15.00 będzie wyświetlony film dokumentalny o Wojtku - Niedźwiedziu, który wyruszył na wojnę. Jest to historia niedźwiedzia syryjskiego, przygarniętego przez Wojsko Polskie podczas II wojny światowej. Wstęp bezpłatny, film jest w języku polskim (czas trwania 58 minut).

On Sunday 17 March at 3.00pm the Polish Club is prou.....  [Więcej]


11 marca 2019
Compensation" Heart attack on a cruise
Peter Needham
Royal Caribbean Cruises plans to appeal after a court ordered it to pay USD 3.38 million (AUD 4.8 million) to the family of a 70-year-old passenger who died of a heart attack aboard one of its ships. Richard Puchalski was taking an Alaskan cruise with his family to celebrate his 70th birthday when he became ill.Lawyers for his family argued that th.....  [Więcej]


10 marca 2019
Cardinal Pell in solitary confinement
J.D. Flynn
Cardinal George Pell is incarcerated at the Melbourne Assessment Prison while he awaits the results of a sentencing hearing held last week. Pell was convicted last year of child sexual abuse (...) According to The Australian, Pell is remanded to solitary confinement, kept in isolation 23 hours each day, because, due to his age, high profile, and th.....  [Więcej]


7 marca 2019
Pell's appeal is fast-tracked to June
Catholic News Service

SYDNEY, Australia - Australian Cardinal George Pell, the highest-ranked Catholic clergyman to be found guilty of child sexual abuse, has had his appeal process fast-tracked and might spend only three more months behind bars before it is heard.The Victorian Supreme Court has set June 5 and 6 for the bid for an appeal to be heard and any subsequent a.....  [Więcej]


7 marca 2019
The Cardinal Pell File

Paszkwilancka książka

Paszkwilancka piosenka Minchina
This resources web page presents many commentators who have questioned the conviction of Cardinal Pell on child sex abuse charges. Some commentators are Catholic. A few are Catholic but not friends of Cardinal Pell. Many are non-Catholic or not religious. Variously they point to the lack of evide.....  [Więcej]


7 marca 2019
Cardinal Pell: Our Dreyfus Case
George Weigel
Słynny watykanista i biograf św. Jana Pawła II, George Weigel opublikował kolejny artykuł w sprawie kardynała Pella, tym razem rysując paralele między procesami i losem Dreyfusa we Francji i Pella w Australii. Tuż pod najnowszym artykułem Weigela przypomniano/wznowiono napisane w lipcu 2017 r. wspomnienia Weigela o 50-letniej przyjaźni łączącej g.....  [Więcej]


5 marca 2019
The Pell case: what it says, where it's going
Paul Collits
Puls Polonii:The Pell case: what is says, where its going It is a must read. Collits' reflections on the trials and examination of readers' comments under F.Brennan's and other authors' articles. All so revealing topped with this unexpected summary:

Perhaps above all this, and despite the fact that this legal nightmare for Pell is far from over a.....  [Więcej]


5 marca 2019
Pell's barrister too angry to lead defence team
Top barrister, Robert Richter QC, will no longer represent Cardinal George Pell in court for his sentence and appeal, saying he is too emotional and angry about the guilty verdict handed down by the jury (...) "I'm too angry and upset at the outcome to bring the objectivity that an appeal requires," he said. Mr Richter said he will still be availab.....  [Więcej]


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