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Szukanie Rozszerzone
Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



1 marca 2023
Recommended links to internet publications
The International Competition – In the Spirit of Strzelecki
Lech Paszkowski about P.E. Strzelecki „The Explorer and Scientist”

PDF. Strzelecki - Calendarium

A Polish Count in County Mayo by prof. Christine Kinealy

Strzelecki - Geographical Names

W. Noskowski's radio feature "Strzelecki"

Unwanted fables by W. Lukasiak

Who was Adyna?

Old competition cribs, 2009

Strzelecki Graphic Competition 2008 with reference materials

Achieving Together. Competition cribs 2008

Corrigenda, Australian Dictionary of Biography. Strzelecki by Heney

PDF. Strzelecki's Ascent of Mt Kosciuszko 1840 by HPG Clews

National Library of Australia. Strzelecki's Geological Map 1845

Strzelecki hero in Ausatralia and Ireland by Martin Gleeson

Helen Heney's Master Thesis, University of Sydney, 1937

Strzelecki Plaque on Mt K. by F. Molski

The Hidden Heritage of Towong. Strzelecki's inspirations by dr Honor Auchinleck

PDF. Commemoration on Geehi Flats by J. Murphy

A gift to the Museum by J. Murphy

Video.Documentary. Strzelecki's humanitarian deeds

Video. Dublin to Omeo by U. Lang

Video. Strzelecki Monument being built, Jindabyne 1988

Video. Les Strzelecki about Paul's geological map in Nottingham

Video.Strzelecki in Gippsland

Video.Across the Snowy by K. Derwinski

Tribute to Charlie Tarra, A. Zamecznik & T. Kendall

Dictionary of Irish Biography. "Strzelecki" by D.McCabe. An example of badly researched article

Commenting on the above link: one wonders where from authors take information to get thinks so drastically wrong.See the paragraph: "The family went into exile in the UK in the early 1800s. Strzelecki was educated at the High School, Edinburgh, matriculated (1815) at Oxford, and graduated BA (1820). He lived the life of a gentleman of independent means in England until 1834, when he set out on a privately funded expedition of inquiry to China and the Far East."

Strzelecki Map. Visiting Nottingham.By Les Strzelecki

History Guild, The incredible life of Paul Strzelecki by Caitlan Hester Interesting article in an awkward translation to Polish. Nice surprise with some audio and video inserts including a lecture by professors Emily Mark- Fitzgerald and Peter Gray given some years ago.

What the Irish famine and Australia have in common by Nicole Alexander, poet, and author of several novels

In the footsteps of a hero by Harold Peacock, author and historian. He writes about Strzelecki: He was then truly a unique world hero who transcended nationality and politics in both global hemispheres. My own Prussian four-times great-grandfather Christian Lange (pictured right) was a contemporary, the two men being born just three years and seventy miles apart. They arrived in Australia within months of one another.

Polish Count who fed Famine children, remembered in Mayo exhibition by Elizabeth Birdthistle, 2020

Lauch of the exhibition dedicated to Strzelecki. Some nice photos

TVP - presenting a 19 min. film from Ireland: " Count Strzelecki’s Legacy: A Polish Irish Famine Hero"

A great find. A whole book by Strzelecki Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land" available here on POLONA

Strzelecki and the Story of Charlie Tarra by Keith Vincent Smith