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14 lutego 2015
Film o multimiliarderce - dziś na Channel 9
Dariusz Paczyński w roli Tadeusza Wątroby
Dzisiaj o godz. 8,45 pm na kanale 9 wyświetlony odcinek filmu House of Hancock o najbogatszej kobiecie świata, znanej biznesmance australijskiej Ginie Rinehart,której prawą ręką w sprawach finansowych (her closest business confidant) jest Tadeusz Watroba (w jego roli wystepuje polski aktor z Sydnej Dariusz Paczyński).

Gina Rinehart and Ch9 reach agreement on House of Hancock TV series- ABC news The parties reached a confidential settlement which enables the program to air on Sunday night with agreed edits. What those edits are is confidential...

Rienhart's lieutnants

Tad Watroba executive director

About Tad Watroba

"After the first part screened the executive director of Hancock Prospecting, Tad Watroba, issued a list of alleged errors in the program, including that Hancock had insulted his daughter over her weight.“Mr Hancock never told Mrs Rinehart that no one could ever love her, or that her husband never loved her,” Watroba said. “The scene was made up and untrue. Her relationship with Mr Frank Rinehart was very loving, and her mother Hope loved her son-in-law also.”

Beginning on the first night of TV ratings for 2015 to an audience of 1.4 million, the two-part drama has been described by Nine as “the controversial and epic true story of the Hancock dynasty”.

source: The Guardian

Małgorzata Wątroba na szczycie Mt Everest