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Szukanie Rozszerzone
Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



6 października 2023
Announcing the Verdict of the International Strzelecki Competition
Kosciuszko Heritage Inc., the organizer of the competition is proud to announce the contents of the Verdict. Members of the jury, having evaluated 182 submissions sent from 9 countries, decided to award 50 prizes in total, including 33 awards in the Adult Category and 17 in the Youth Category (12-18). Amongst the Adults, 20 prizes were awarded for songs pointing out to the popularity of this form of creativity.

The Verdict-Press Release-Here

The Verdict is available HERE

Amongst the Youth Fine Arts Category proved most popular – 11 entries awarded. The geographic diversification was most visible in the Fin Arts category – the entries came from Russia, Uzbekistan, Lithuania and USA.

Surprisingly, Strzelecki’s sweetheart Ayna Turno proved very popular, being present in 10 songs, 7 paintings, and her spirit present in almost every poem. In total, $25,900.00 was spent on the awards.

Soon after the Competition Gala we embark on producing an E-BOOK with a selection of songs, poems and images. It will be distributed wordwide via internet.

May we offer our heartful thanks to all those who participated in the competition by building a unique “monument” to P.E. Strzelecki, an explorer, discoverer, scientist, humanitarian and a friend of Aborigines.

Dr Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek