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Z Polski
Z Australii

Szukanie Rozszerzone
Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



30 czerwca 2023
Monero Ngarigo & Djinama Yilaga in the Independence Museum
Szampańska impreza w Muzeum Niepodległości

The New Polish Ambassador to Australia, Prof. Maciej Chmieliński
VIDEO. The last performance in Poland - May 19th 2023.Dur 16:30.

Monero Ngarigo Traditional Custodians of Mt Kosciuszko along with Djinama Yiliga Choir meeting with Poles for the last time during this historic trip. The event was held in the Museum of Independence, and co-organized by Wszechnica Kosciuszkowska (PFK).

Numerous distinguished guests were present, including 3 ambassadors as well as a group of students of the School No 154 named after PE. Strzelecki. A joyful day of songs and laughter, of gifts and presents and the sweet "forget-me-not" photos.

Camera: Krzysztof Cmielewski. Editor: Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. Music: Dhurga songs by Djinama Yiliga Choir. Instrumental: Sakkijarven Polkka/YouTube. Produced by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. Sydney, June 2023.

I tak się kończy epicka, historyczna wyprawa Tradycyjnych Kustoszy Góry Kościuszki do Polski - śladami jej odkrywcy, P.E. Strzeleckiego. Zostaje nam do zrealizowania już tylko jeden odcinek: podsumowanie i pożegnanie.

Djinama Yiliga Choir performing in the Warsaw Museum of Independence

Event co-organizers: Dr L.M. Krześniak, PFK & L. Marchlewski, MN

The whole collection of our documentaries is placed on our channel: www.youtube.com/@ernestynaskurjat-kozek8472