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26 czerwca 2023
Mt Kosciuszko Custodians paying tribute to Kosciuszko's Heart
Australijska delegacja przy Urnie z Sercem Kosciuszki

Wideoreportaż z Zamku Królewskiego.Ponad 8 minut wzruszeń

Watch the report from the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Dur. 8:35 min

The Warsaw Castle along with the Old Town is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It was destroyed by the Germans during World War 2. Rebuilt & reconstructed in the years of 1971-1984.

Warsaw, 19th of May 2023. The powerful delegation from Australia, Monero Ngarigo Traditional Custodians of Mt Kosciuszko, along with Djinama Yiliga Choir is paying tribute to the Kosciuszko Heart which after 166 years found its final resting place in a chapel of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Learning a lot about Polish history and its 3rd May Constitution, about the royal furniture and the bombardment of the Castle by Germans during 2ww.

Camera Krzysztof Cmielewski, editor Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek. Music: The Forgotten Hero by Amelia Gnatek; Kosciuszko's Dream by Kris Derwinski; Kosciuszko's Waltz by Marlena Quartet; Na Wyspie w Łazienkach by Bolesław Szulia and A Small Miracle/Pixabay.

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Kosciuszko's Heart Extraordinary Peregrinations
1817 - after Kościuszko's death his heart was given to Emily Zeltner, according to his Last Will;
1818 - Kosciuszko's remains were brought from Switzerland to Kraków and buried amongst Polish Kings in the crypt of the Wawel Castle
1895 - Emily's descendants agreed to donate Kosciuszko's Heart to the Polish Muzeum in Rappersville Castle
1927 - after Poland regained its independence,Kosciuszko's Heart was brought to Warsaw and placed in a Chapel at the Royal Castle; during ww2 it was transferred to St John's Cathedral; after several historic complications it came back to the renovated cathedral in 1960
1971-1983 it was kept in the Chapel of the Pałac na Wodzie of the Royal Lazienki
1984 - till today its been kept as a national relic in a Chapel of the fully renovated Royal Castle. So it found its final resting place after as many as 166 years.

The whole collection of our documentaries is placed on our channel: www.youtube.com/@ernestynaskurjat-kozek8472