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Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



19 czerwca 2023
Monero Ngarigo in Poznań
visiting Strzelecki's Crypt

Poznan, 18th of May. Uncle John & Aunty Iris at the Strzelecki sarcophagus
VIDEO. Monero Ngarigo in Poznan Pavillion. Dur 13 min.

Incredible how many things managed to have happened between 31 may and 18th of June and that is between publishing a previous segment of the "Monero Ngarigo in Poland" series, and the latest one. But never mind. Lets move on.

Traditional Custodians of Mt Kosciuszko along with Djinama Yiliga Choir now in Poznan. A bit of sightseeing, meeting a "horde" of radio journalists, visiting the Cript of Meritorious Citizens where the remains of P.E. Strzelecki are also found; being special guests of the Mayor of Poznań City Jacek Jaśkowiak, enjoying lunch with a view onto the renovations and heading to the Pavillion for an evening show & presentation. All so memorable!
Camera Krzysztof Ćmielewski
Editor Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek
Published by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. Sydney June 2023
Music: Konstanty Pietraczkiewicz marsz "Orzeł Biały", Hecla Celtic Ballad, Pixabay;Bluegrass Banjo time, Pixabay;Dhurga songs by Djinama Yiliga Choir.

Our previous segment "Monero Ngarigo in a surprise venue"

The whole collection of our documentaries is placed on our channel:
