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11 lipca 2023
Dhurga Choir to Desertsong Festival --- fundraising
Chór Djinama Yiliga jedzie na festiwal w Alice Springs - wspomóżmy ich

Akcja Fundraising - please donate

Chór aborygeński Djinama Yiliga, który towarzyszył kustoszom Góry Kościuszki w podróży po Polsce, staje się coraz sławniejszy! Właśnie dostał zaproszenie na Desertsongs Festival w Alice Springs. Festiwal odbędzie się we wrzesniu br. Koszta podróży z South Coast do Alice Springs są ogromne: 50 tysięcy dolarów. Chór ma 57 dni, żeby uzbierać tę kwotę. Australijski Fundusz Kulturalny ogłosił właśnie składkę. Serdecznie apelujemy do Rodaków, aby dołożyli swą cegiełkę.

W ciągu 2 tygodni spędzonych w Polsce chór chłonął wiedzę o Strzeleckim i Kościuszce, o polskiej historii, powstaniach i wojnach, o świecie współczesnym. Jest chyba oczywiste, że chór może odegrac rolę ambasadora polskości. Miejmy nadzieję, że w dalekim Alice Springs spotkają ludzi, którzy chętnie posłuchają opowieści o Kosciuszce, Strzeleckim i ich Ojczyźnie. Dołóżmy swoją cegiełkę, aby wspomóc naszych aborygeńskich przyjaciół.

Djilama Yiliga Choir w Muzeum Niepodległości w Warszawie, maj 2023

CHERYL DAVISON: Language is all about connection. Our Dhurga language is a direct connection to our ancestors, unique to our region of the Far South Coast of NSW. It places us right here, where we belong. In April 2023, four members of Djinama Yilaga choir travelled to the Big Sing in the Desert outside Alice Springs, where we met with the Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s Choir. We’ve been invited to return and perform at Desertsong Festival in September, 2023 and are excited to build on those connections we made. This time we want to take the whole choir with us, including our kids, to show them what our culture is - to us and to other people. We want to share with the younger members of our choir a vision of what Djinama Yilaga can be for them. It’s our hope that they will lead the choir one day.

Dhurga is not our first language. We are learning our grandmother’s and grandfather’s language. It’s about remembering and using it - and taking ownership of it. The songs we’re writing - they are important to us. We’re learning alongside our kids and want to see our language become a part of daily life for them - so that they can share it with their kids. We're reaching out to our local community, and beyond, to help us achieve this dream.

The funds we raise through our campaign will be used to pay for the travel and accommodation for seventeen singers and support crew of Djinama Yilaga to travel to Desertsong Festival in Alice Springs. Thank you for supporting us to take our Dhurga language to the Desert, to sing it loud and proud at Desertsong Festival and connect with the communities, choirs and country out there.

Cheryl Davison, Djinama Yilaga choir leader

Djinama Yilaga Choir is an intergenerational choir, established in 2019 and led by renowned Walbunga/Ngarigo artist, Cheryl Davison. Dhurga was spoken and understood by many within the 13 tribes of the Yuin Nation on the Far South Coast NSW. It was spoken by the Walbunga people of the Broulee region and the Brindja Yuin people of Moruya. Recently, Djinama Yilaga Choir and their songs have been featured in the award winning films Bagan, Barra Barra Mirriwarr - Land Sea Sky. The year of 2023 has brought new opportunities and audiences for the group, with performances at Parliament House, Canberra, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, and a tour of Poland as part of the Ngarigo Polish Exchange.

Fundraising for this project ‘Taking Dhurga language to the Desert’ is under the auspices of Big Sing Incorporated (ABN 17 387 893 463) through the Australian Cultural Fund. Big Sing Inc is a registered charity with deductible gift recipient (DGR) endorsement. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible www.bigsingcommunity.com

Chór na Kopcu Kościuszki z ambasadorem L. Brodrickiem (w 2 rzędzie) i Prezesem Komitetu Kopca Kościuszki, prof. M. Rokoszem (po lewej)

Z archiwum chóru, Nov. 2022