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5 grudnia 2020
Jury Verdict
Aussie Youth Competitions

An innovative concept was announced on 30 January 2020 by Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. It provided the opportunity for students of Tumbarumba High School to participate in Essay and Graphic Arts competitions, both in celebration of the 180 anniversary of the naming of Mt Kosciuszko.
Essay Competition's Theme was Kindness matters. Kindness is powerful. To what extent is it true for Strzelecki or Kosciuszko
Graphic Arts Competition's Subject was Mt Kosciuszko in My Mind’s Eye.
KHI donated $3,200 in prize money and encouragement awards. Gold: $300, Silver: $200, Bronze $100; Multiple Encouragement Awards of $50.

Presentations to the winners were to coincide with the Strzelecki Festival celebrations at THS in May 2020 but this event had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. Due to the circumstances, the competition closing date was extended to the end of October.

Congratulations to all students who submitted entries to the competitions. The organisers greatly admire all of you who, in the face of the multiple adversities of bushfires, flood, pandemic, family dislocation and school interruptions, showed great resilience and perseverance in submitting outstanding entries to each competition. I am sure both Kosciuszko and Strzelecki admire you too, in the way you overcame the adversities you faced!

Your essays were splendid, very interesting, enlightening, often philosophical showing your fascination with these two extraordinary people: Strzelecki and Kosciuszko. We hope you will see them both as worthy role models. All of you demonstrated a great talent in expressing your thoughts in the essays cogently and concisely. All entries were superb. The jurors found it very difficult in determining the final rankings. Likewise, the standard of the Graphic Arts submissions were also outstanding. All displayed reflective charm, imagination and creativity. Here too the jurors found it very difficult in determining the final rankings. Congratulations to all students for the high standard of all submissions in both competitions!

Members of the Essay Jury comprised Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, President of KHI, Felix Molski a retired teacher, member of KHI, Bernadeta Kawa, school coordinator, Macarthur Polish Saturday School, and with Krystyna Ikier as competition coordinator. They determined the following rankings in the senior category:
Alexia Sweeney - Gold: $300
Anastasia Wilesmith - Silver $200
Hannah Taylor – Bronze: $100

From left: Principal Michael Blenkins, Alexia Sweeney and Felix Molski

Anastasia Wilesmith with Michael Blenkins, Krystyna Ikier and Felix Molski

Hannah Tylor

And In the junior category –
Charlotte Newell – Gold: $300
Dylan Colliss – Silver: $200
Dominic Chaffey – Bronze: $100

Charlotte Newell

Dylan Colliss

Dominic Chaffey

Members of the Graphic Arts Jury comprised: Barbara Aleksandrowicz Dąbrowa - senior art conservator at the Art Gallery of NSW, Grzegorz Dąbrowa – director and artist, Dabrowa Gallery, a renowned Polish-Australian sculptor, Jacek Luszczyk, and the young 10 yr old talented artist Syrena Lily Dennis.

They determined the following rankings in the senior category:
Anastasia Wilesmith – Gold: $300
Alexa Sweeney – Silver: $200
Hannah Taylor – Bronze: $100

Anastasia Wilesmith

Alexia Sweeney

Hannah Taylor

And in the junior category
Charlotte Newell – Gold: $300
Jed Sweeney – Silver: $200
Miriam Taylor - Bronze $100

Charlotte Newell

Jed Sweeney

Miriam Taylor

CONGRATULATIONS to one and all!

And now it is our pleasure to award the Kosciuszko Bicentennial Medal and Diploma to the two people who made this competition possible. In appreciation for providing dependable, steadfast and much needed assistance – the principal Mr Michael Blenkins and the Visual Art teacher Mrs Krystyna Ikier being decorated with.

Michael Blenkins and Krystyna Ikier being decorated by Andrzej Kozek - vicepresident of KHI

Kosciuszko Bicentennial Medal designed by Polish artist Piotr Szałkowski

Kosciuszko Medal

Juror Felix Molski holding his own diploma and the one of the junior juror Syrena Lily Dennis

We would also like to thank a member of our Organisation, retired teacher Felix Molski, who helped with both competitions. And a special diploma to young Syrena Lily Dennis, a member of the Graphic Arts Jury, who said all the paintings were remarkable but one stood out - its the snowy mount by Alexia Sweeney.

Verdict was delivered by dr Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek during an award gala at Tumbarumba High School on Tuesday December 1st, 2020.

Photos: Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. & Krystyna Ikier