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Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



15 października 2018
The known and less familiar history of the naming of "Mt Kosciuszko"
Prof. Andrzej S. Kozek

Photo: Puls Polonii
The highest peak on the continental Australia bears the name “Mt Kosciuszko” and we know this from our time in primary school. We as well remember that it was discovered and named by the Polish traveler and explorer, Paul Edmund de Strzelecki. Polish people consider it a magnificent monument to Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

However, the history of its naming along with many related controversies are less familiar and lead to dissemination of incorrect information both in Poland and in Australia. Hence, to fill the gap, it is necessary to gather the facts in one publication equipped with references to the relevant historical resources.

Click on PDF to read History of naming of Mt Kosciuszko. Over 10 pages of bibliography

Polish version of this article just here