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Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



8 października 2017
The Highest Mountain
Paweł Dobrucki -First Prize (Literature) shared with Margarita Schultz

Paweł Dobrucki

The highest mountain
Conceals a story,
That wind unfolds discreetly
Of tears and yearning,
Of passion burning
For homeland one loves deeply

Has no one told you?
Do you not know
Whose deeds the wind proclaims?
Whose name it was,
Strzelecki chose
To grace that lofty place?

Nowhere a stranger,
Brother to many,
Son of the fairest land,
Which stirs the ocean
Of such devotion,
That few could understand

In Saratoga his skills were noticed,
At West Point long ago
The humble warriors
Emerged victorious
Against a mighty foe

The great Kosciuszko,
The Army General,
A man, who’d never yield
To threat or menace
Of raging furnace
On every battlefield

The Russian cannons
In Raclawice,
Which meant to bring out fear
Were seized and silenced
By force and violence
Of peasant Kosyniers

His highest purpose
His hardest struggle
On both sides of the sea:
To do away
With tyrants’ reign
And make all people free

About Paweł Dobrucki - in Polish - here