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Z Polski
Z Australii

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Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



25 sierpnia 2014
Invitation to Odpust (Feast Day of Our Lady)
let's celebrate with descendants of the pioneers

We welcome all children, grandchildren and other descendants of the post WW2 Polish immigrant pioneers to celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Częstochowa Queen of Poland Catholic Church, 116 – 132 Quakers Road, Marayong, on Sunday, 31st August, 2014. The festivities will commence with a concelebrated Solemn Mass at 14:30 (2:30 pm) followed by a social re-union where you can share treasured memories with your friends.As you remember, the Polish Catholic Centre at Marayong was built upon the sweat and sacrifice of those Polish immigrants to Australia as a tribute to their Catholic Faith which was so critical to their survival during the horrors of World War 2.

The pioneers bestowed the Polish Catholic Centre at Marayong to subsequent generations as a tangible monument to their experience that unconditional trust in God’s Faith will always vanquish even the most terrible evil people may ever have the misfortune to endure.

2014 is particularly significant for you. It marks the 75th anniversary of the German invasion of Poland and start of WW2. It commemorates the 70th Anniversary of the Warsaw uprising that so beautifully symbolises our Polish heritage of love of liberty and our hatred of tyranny. It triumphantly honours the 25th Anniversary of wresting Polish freedom from atheistic communist oppression.

Oto seria "stop-klatek" z archiwalnego filmu

2014 also celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the arrival of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth to whom our Pioneers entrusted the management of the Polish Catholic Centre at Marayong on behalf of the Polish Community. With this in mind we have discovered a rare archival film documenting these early years of Marayong, scripted by the eminent Mr Brunon Korpowski and narrated by the distinguished Editor Mr Jacek Suski. Are you one of the many children in this documentary?

Watch a rare archival film about Marayong. Historyczny film o Domu Dziecka. Ten film to nasze wielkie bogactwo.

As Australian descendants of these Pioneers, your Polish Catholic heritage bestows upon you a uniquely honourable place in Australian Society that few other cultures can boast. Rest assured, the spirits of your ancestors would rejoice if you accepted our invitation to participate at Our Lady of Częstochowa Queen of Poland Catholic Church “odpust” on 31st August in this very special commemorative year, Anno Domini 2014.

I kilka słów po polsku: Ksiądz Henryk Zasiura serdecznie zaprasza wszystkich na doroczny odpust ku czci Najświętszej Maryi Panny Częstochowskiej w niedzielę 31 sierpnia. Koncelebrowana Msza Święta odprawiona bédzie o godz. 14:30. Po Mszy zapraszamy do Sali Św. Jana Pawła 2, aby spotkać się i pogawędzić ze znajomymi. Przypominamy, że Polski Kościòł w Marayong jest pod opieką Towarzystwa Chrystusowego: jedyny katolicki zakon na świecie powołany specjalnie do apostolatu na rzecz Polaków przebywających poza granicami Ojczyzny.

Adoracja Krzyża