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Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



15 listopada 2011
Gold Cross of Merit
Ursula Lang, photos by Bogumiła Filip & Puls Polonii

I can honestly say that Sunday 13 November 2011 was one of the best days of my life. Receiving the Gold Cross of Merit from Daniel Gromann on behalf of the Polish Government, and having my family, friends, representatives of Canada Bay Council, AND OF COURSE "LAJKONIK" present was an experience so special that words cannot adequately describe. Let me just say collectively THANKYOU to everyone who contributed and who gave their congratulations, from the bottom of my heart!
Urszula Lang

After receiving the Cross Ursula has delivered a short speech.

"Jest to dla mnie wielki zaszczyt otrzymać tę nagrodę i dziekuje wszystkim, którzy się do tego przyczynili. Na sali mamy grupę Australijczyków, więc jeśli państwo pozwola, powiem parę słów po angielsku. It is indeed a great honour to receive this Award, all the more because I am an Australian citizen with Polish parents, who migrated here after the War to make a new life for themselves. I never imagined I could be a candidate for such an honour, and I thank those, especially Bozena Pagin who nominated me, and Consul Daniel Gromann for supporting the nomination.

I love the country of my birth, Australia, but I also love the country of my parents, Poland, with its rich and very beautiful culture and history. I thank my parents for keeping alive all the Polish traditions, and supporting me in the work that I do with the Polish Song and Dance Ensemble "Lajkonik", many of whom have come to stand with me today on this special occasion. Unfortunately, we are not perfoming today, which is what we love to do on any occasion, because the organisers said the programme was too full.

Consul General Daniel Gromann announcing an award for Ursula

A kiss of joy

A happy moment, a happy speech

I thank my husband Tony and my daughter Joasia, indeed all of my family and extended family and friends for sharing this day with me today. Thankyou especially to my boss, Tony McNamara, Director of Planning and Environment at the City of Canada Bay, and his wife Sharon, for being present.

Let me finish by saying that part of this Award is attributed to the work which I have done with Ernestyna and Andrzej Kozek and other Committee members, as part of the Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. organisation, which promotes the contribution of Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki to Australian settlement and scientific knowledge, and also the Legacy of General Tadeusz Kosciuszko. I invite all present to take an interest in this work, and going forward, to join with us for the next Festival in April, in Jindabyne of course, with the theme of "Polish meets Irish".

* * *

I didn't at the time know what a lovely surprise waited for me upstairs and I thank the Ashfield Polish Club, especially Kasia Wieczorkowski, and Manager Lucjan, for preparing the drinks and canapes in the room upstairs, where everyone gathered after the Akademia to share, celebrate and reflect on this wonderful occasion!

Ursula with "Lajkonik" and Consul General Daniel Gromann

Ursula with her husband, her dad and her daughter

Ursula and Ernestyna have been working together since 2007...and both have been rewarded